Hawaii 2017

Hawaii 73rd Guam Liberation
Brought to you by Hafa Adai Club of Hawaii

Hawaii Guam Liberation 2017

Hawaii Guam Liberation 2017

When: Saturday July 22nd, 2017
Time: 12pm-5pm
Where: Huey Park Wheeler Army Airfield
How much? Chamorro Style Potluck so Call Josie Chargualaf 808-225-4864 to sign up for a dish.

Music, Games, Entertainment, Craft Booths & Raffle


For Menu
Josie Chargualaf: 808-225-4864
Email: HafaAdaiClubHawaii@gmail.com

For Entertainment, Contests & Craft Booths
Racquel Dizon-Ikei, President

For Donations & Membership Info
Marlene Ebeo, Vice President

For Event Program & Raffle
Tina DeCoite, Secretary

Board of Directors
Dan Chargualaf, Ted Taijeron & Robert Oneha

Volunteers are needed.



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